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It is our desire to multiply Biblical Counseling or soul care in Germany. We strongly believe that this goal will honor God and bring hope and healing through Jesus Christ and His word to many.

Fruitful goals are never achieved by single individuals. We know that many hands make light work; we cannot do this on our own.


There are several ways you can partner with us. Which path will you take?


1) Prayer - unless the Lord builds this ministry, our efforts will be vain.

2) Encouragement - find ways to cheer us on - maybe call us to pray with us or send our kids a postcard to encourage them - be creative.

3) One-time gifts - no amount is too small; give out of love, not compulsion.

4) Monthly support - every effort, even ministry, costs money. We have no doubt that God will provide, but he uses people - will you join our journey?



We are excited about your desire to come alongside us and partner with us in this ministry. In order to make a donation, please follow the  instructions below.


If you live in the US:


Give via PAYPAL (no tax receipts)

Give via TWELVE STONES (tax receipts available)

Give via STEARNS MISSIONARY FUND (tax receipts available)



If you live in Germany:

Give online at VDM

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